
"What can be learned on the ground cannot be learned in the classroom."

Our sports Education Programme aims to create a sports culture that encourages fitness, a healthy lifestyle, teamwork and the sprit of sportsmanship in all walk of life. Our programme is designed to provide sportspersons the best of facilities, coaching, resources and support in athletics, gymnastics, chess, skating, swimming, martial arts, cricket, football, Basketball, Table tennis and Volleyball among others. As a vital part of our Mind Body Soul programme Sports Education at SJPS builds in our learners, resilience, perseverance, collaboration and equanimity as vital EduCreative attributes. We have monthly achievable goals for the different skills required for a particular sports and train students accordingly with a promising career in sports. SJPS Champions have been bringing laurels for school securing prestigious positions and medals in various sports at District, State, National and International levels.

Explorer new horizones with us